Social Media

How to Deactivate Instagram Account: Step-by-Step Guide

Instagram allows users to temporarily deactivate their accounts, which hides their profile, photos, comments, and likes until they decide to reactivate it. Follow these steps to deactivate your Instagram account:


Deactivating your Instagram account allows you to take a break from the platform without losing your account permanently. Your profile and content will be hidden from other users until you decide to reactivate your account.

Reasons to Deactivate Instagram Account

  1. Personal Break: Taking time off from social media.
  2. Privacy Concerns: Temporarily removing online presence.
  3. Reducing Screen Time: Limiting social media usage.
  4. Avoiding Distractions: Focusing on other priorities.

Important Considerations Before Deactivating

  • Temporary Deactivation: Your Instagram account and all its data will be hidden from other users until you reactivate it.
  • Reactivation: You can reactivate your account at any time by logging back into Instagram.
  • Notifications: Your followers will not be notified when you deactivate or reactivate your account.

Steps to Deactivate Instagram Account

  1. Log In to Instagram:
    • Open the Instagram app or go to the Instagram website on your browser.
  2. Navigate to Profile:
    • Tap on your profile picture icon in the bottom right corner to go to your profile.
  3. Go to Settings:
    • Tap on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner (menu button).
    • Select “Settings” from the menu.
  4. Access Account Settings:
    • In the Settings menu, tap on “Account.”
  5. Deactivate Your Account:
    • Scroll down and tap on “Temporarily disable my account” at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Choose Reason and Enter Password:
    • Instagram will ask you to select a reason for deactivating your account.
    • Enter your Instagram password when prompted.
  7. Confirm Deactivation:
    • Tap on “Temporarily Disable Account” to confirm and deactivate your Instagram account.

FAQs About Deactivating Instagram Account

1. Can I Reactivate My Instagram Account After Deactivation?

  • Yes, you can reactivate your Instagram account at any time by logging back into the app or website using your username and password.

2. Will My Followers Be Notified When I Deactivate My Account?

  • No, your followers will not be notified when you deactivate or reactivate your Instagram account.

3. What Happens to My Photos and Data During Deactivation?

  • Your profile, photos, comments, and likes will be hidden from other users until you reactivate your account.

4. Can I Use the Same Username After Reactivating?

  • Yes, your username will still be reserved for your account even after deactivation.

5. How Long Can I Keep My Instagram Account Deactivated?

  • You can keep your Instagram account deactivated indefinitely. There is no time limit for deactivation.


Deactivating your Instagram account is a simple process that allows you to take a break from social media while keeping your account and data intact. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can deactivate your Instagram account temporarily and reactivate it whenever you’re ready.

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